Tuesday, March 25, 2008


If you have catalogs, get the most out each and every one by using labels on them. I use both plain white labels and I also use the neon colored labels.

On the back of every catalog I put a label with my name, phone number, email address and web address.

On the front I'll use one or two of the following:

"Share me with a friend, when you both order, you'll both recieve 10% off"

"I'm expired, please call for a current catalog"

"Ask me about becoming a (fill in company name) distributor"

"Find out how to get free (fill in company name)"

"When you open a party, you'll get free (fill in company name)"

Don't throw away expired catalogs. Leave them in laundromats, in doctors offices etc.

Leave me a comment and let me know your ideas for catalogs.

Audrey :)


Jill LaFaye said...

I order 400 (Avon) brochures every two weeks..so I toss a lot of my brochures..into driveways. Avon has some really nice clear plastic bags..cheap too..that I put the brochures into so that they stay dry during rain.

Also..if we go out to eat..I leave a business card and a brochure with my payment on the table.

I never thought about putting brochures in a laundry mat..great idea:)

KDC Events said...

These are great ideas! I had no idea what to do with my left over Gold Canyon Candle catalogs. I need to leave them in more places. Thanks for the tips!
